Welcome to Bergvliet High School
Welkom by die Hoërskool Bergvliet
Namkelekile eBergvliet High School
Bergvliet High School is a co-educational high school in the heart of the Constantia Valley where more than 1,000 learners, across the spectrum of South African society, study a wide range of academic subjects. Our mission is to develop well-rounded individuals who will thrive in the diversity of South African society because they have been equipped with the necessary resources to do so.
In a region blessed with some of the country’s top schools where children can expect an excellent all round education, Bergvliet High School is no exception. A dynamic combination of factors, however, makes it unique – it is a school that successfully combines the true community school ethos with academic excellence. Competitive sport, a strong emphasis on community outreach and a vibrant cultural programme further define the school in which all children can realise their full potential, develop sound values, celebrate diversity and become dynamic role players in South Africa and the world. To realize this aim the school encourages every individual to participate in the wide range of academic, sporting, cultural and service opportunities that the school offers.
Bergvliet High has been the heartbeat of the community for 60 years now and we have a history to be proud of. Bergvliet High, as a high performing school, entrenches academic excellence as a core value of our School. Every child that enters this school can expect to have the opportunity to attend a university of their choice, such is the demand by the universities for learners from Bergvliet High.
Be it in the classroom, on the sport fields, on the stage, through service and as young leaders, our learners uphold the time honoured values on which this School was founded. Values which will stand this country in good stead in the future. At Bergvliet High School we are enthusiastic in the pursuit of excellence, passionate about our School and optimistic about the future, the next 60 years and beyond.
We continue to address the challenges of transformation, diversity and inclusion in a positive and forthright way. Issues around gender, age, culture, race, religion, disability, economics, language and nationality make this school a cosmopolitan environment which we celebrate every day.
At Bergvliet High School there is opportunity for everyone!
Students pursue knowledge and conceptual understanding in a wide variety of subjects and are encouraged at all times to make links between their learning and the world in which they live.
With a wide selection of sports to choose from, there is a place for every pupil, no matter what their level of skill, interest or objective may be. Sport builds confidence, self-esteem and teamwork.
The Clubs and Societies run throughout the year with meetings and outings as opportunities arise. We encourage pupils to take the lead and manage their club or society themselves.
Bergvliet High School has numerous facilities for general hire, including a 890 seater auditorium and a large gym hall.
Bergvliet High School sees itself as a community school, situated within a residential area and interacting with its community on many levels and in many ways