Community Bursary Fund - Donors

The Bursary Fund is open to applications from any Bergvliet High learner who is in financial need and who requires some kind of financial support in order to be able to attend Bergvliet High. Academic strength is not necessarily required in order to qualify for a bursary, but the learner must show a proven commitment to their education by having a good record of behaviour and participation in the sporting and/or cultural activities of the school.

The Bursary Fund does not require a long term commitment as is the case with the Scholarship Fund.  Donors can contribute any amount to the fund, no matter how small.  This income will then be pooled and used to support these learners in need. Donors are encouraged to see this as an opportunity to “pay it forward”.

In order to contribute to this fund, please contact:

Ms Lyanne Naiker at or on 082 992 0042

Code of Commitment to Donors

Bergvliet High School has always been an integral part of its community and prides itself in being a catalyst for the development of life-long relationships within the community it serves. In keeping with this commitment we have a responsibility to our donors to:

  • keep them informed of the organisation’s mission, of the way the organisation intends to use donated resources and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes
  • keep them informed of the identity of those serving on the organisation’s governing body and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities
  • assure them that their donations will be used for the purposes for which they were given
  • provide appropriate acknowledgement and recognition of their contribution
  • assure them that information about their donations are handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law
  • ensure that all relationships and dealings with the donor will be professional in nature
  • answer all questions regarding their donation promptly

Benefits to Bursary Donors

Bergvliet High School is registered with SARS as a Section 18A Public Benefit Organisation. 

Donors will receive a Tax Rebate for donations

Our P.B.O. number is:  930000372