Principal's Desk

May 2024

Workers’ Day on 1st May brought a welcome midweek break to both staff and learners.  We took time to remember all those who work tirelessly to ensure a successful school environment, the learners who by their presence at BHS provide us with employment, the teachers and all our support staff, including our security personnel.

It was wonderful to see so many of our learners fully engaged in the various co-curricular activities the school offers.  This includes sports, clubs and societies, and our first Derby Day hosted by Camps Bay High School.  School is not only about the academic programme and to see learners participate in the various options available, makes the investment in the necessary resources and facilities, so worthwhile.

On that note, do follow our Facebook page where numerous learners and members of staff are acknowledged for their achievements in their specific co-curricular codes.  Most recently Hannah Brown and Taylor Sasman received Provincial Colours for Chess.  Congratulations!

The Dance learners under the guidance of Mrs Vossgatter enthralled staff, peers and their parents with their amazing choreography on 10th May in the main hall.   Hours of work had been spent to perfect the various dance movements.  Well done to all those who performed on the day.  Thank you also to the Media crew for ensuring that the performances went ahead without glitches.

Due to planned maintenance of the main hall before and during the June holiday period, the final assembly was held prior to the mid-year exams commencing.  This allowed the exchange students an opportunity to say their goodbyes as many of them would be leaving after the June exams.

Farewell was also bid to Ms Nyoni, the Academic Support to Mrs Ramjatan.  She departed from BHS on Friday, 31 May to join the Admin staff of Westerford High School.  We wish her every success in all her future endeavours.

Mid-year exams started on Thursday, 16 May and will end on Friday, 7 June.  We trust that our learners are preparing well and that all parents are providing loads of encouragement to their children.  It can be a very stressful period for many learners and therefore the home environment must be mindful of this important exam period and ensure that the learner can study with minimal disruptions.

Wednesday, 29 May marked a significant day in the country’s history and while it afforded most citizens a welcome break from work, it did require making the necessary sacrifice to queue for hours (for some) to cast one’s vote.  May those elected to serve, do so with integrity, in the best interest of all citizens of South Africa.

As I end off this month’s newsletter, congratulations go to the Music Department for another successful performance at the Cape Town Big Band Jazz Festival held at the Baxter Theatre on Thursday evening.  It was wonderful seeing so many parents, peers and past pupils coming out on a wet and chilly evening, to support our learners and staff.  Thank you!