General Information

Bergvliet High has a long history of families who pay school fees.  Added to this, the SGB has direct oversight over the school finances under the control of a Treasurer, who is a parent elected member of the SGB.  The SGB has further appointed a highly qualified Financial Manager to manage the day to day finances on behalf of the SGB.  The Finance Manager meets weekly with the Principal and Deputy, whilst the SGB Finance Sub-committee meets one a month to review the previous month’s financials. Each year the school is audited by the WCED and the schools finances are audited by an external auditor.  We are pleased to note that these audits are generally clear audits.

The provision of a quality education for your child is very important to us, hence your decision to send him/her to Bergvliet High School.  School fees are used to fund three main areas, operational costs, salaries and capital projects.  All three ensure that your child receives a world class education. The basis of the relationship between Bergvliet High School and our parents is one of mutual trust and reciprocity – parents/legal guardians choose this school because it offers what they want for their son/daughter and we commit to deliver quality education. There is, therefore, an obligation on ALL parents/legal guardians to meet their commitments in respect of fee payments for this relationship to prosper.  If you choose NOT to take the option from the State to enrol your child at a Non-fee paying school, but choose to enrol your child at Bergvliet High School, a Fee-Paying school, you accept the obligation to pay your way. In view of escalating costs school fees are subject to revision by the Governing Body from time to time.