Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS)

The School has a group scheme that covers all learners.  The annual premium is included in the school fees. Learners are covered during all organized school activities.  Accidents/injuries must be reported by parents/legal guardians, the learner and/or relevant staff member to the school by contacting the Finance department within 48hrs of the incidentInsurance claims must be submitted within 30 days.

Accidents occurring while the learner is travelling to and from school with parents/legal guardians or private transport are excluded.

When claiming in terms of this scheme it is important to know the following:

For those parents/legal guardians with Medical Aid:

  • The PAIS is designed to cover the portion your Medical Aid does not pay. The scheme will not reimburse you for claims which are covered by your medical aid

For those parents/legal guardians without Medical Aid:

  • The PAIS is designed to reimburse those NOT on Medical Aid, up to certain limits

Whether you are on medical aid or not, ALL accounts must first be paid by the parents/legal guardians and then the receipted accounts must be submitted with the claim. 

Compensation will not be paid under more than one of items below.

  • Death: R10 000 (Ten Thousand Rand)
  • Permanent Disability: % of R10 000 ( Maximum of Ten Thousand Rand)
  • Medical Expenses: Max R15 000 less an excess of R500
    • This includes medical, surgical, ambulance, therapeutic and dental expenses including the costs of surgical appliances, nursing home and hospital charges actually incurred.