Bergvliet High School Application registration 1. Please enter the name of the school currently attended by your child in grade 7 2. Surname of learner 3. First name of learner 4. Sibling attending BHS Yes No 5. Did you attend our Open Day on Tuesday 11 February 2025 yes no 6. Please indicate your English mark as it appears on your Grade 6 end-of-year report 80% and above (code 7) 70-79% (code 6) 60%-69% (code5) 50%-59% (code 4) Below 50% (codes 1,2, and 3) 7. Please indicate your Mathematics mark as it apperas on your Grade 6 end-of-year report 80% and above (code 7) 70-79% (code 6) 60%-69% (code5) 50%-59% (code 4) Below 50% (codes 1,2, and 3) 8. Please indicate your overall aggregate (average of all subjects including English and Mathematics) as it apperas on your Grade 6 end-of-year report 80% and above (code 7) 70-79% (code 6) 60%-69% (code5) 50%-59% (code 4) Below 50% (codes 1,2, and 3) 9. Summer Sport your child currently plays/participates in? Athletics/Running Indoor hockey Tennis Basketball Cheerleading Chess Road running Walking Currently no involvement 10. Which level team(s) does your child play for in Summer sport? A Team B Team C or other Team Social Other 11. Winter Sport your child currently plays/participates in? Cross-Country Field hockey Netball Soccer Squash Badminton CHeerleading Chess Rugby Currently no involvement Other 12. Which level team(s) does your child play for in Winter sport? A Team B Team C or other Team Social Other 13. Anything else about sports involvement you'd like to share with us? 14. Musical instruments your child currently plays? Clarinet Drums Euphonium Flute Guitar Marimbas Piano Recorder Saxophone Trumpet Trombone Violin/Viola Voice (singing) Choir Does not play an intstrument Other Please download this Music Application form to fill out and submit on the final page of the registration process. (if applicable) Download Music Application Form 15. Which of the following school based clubs and societies would your child be interested in? Anti-Bullying Campaign Ambassadors for Christ Anime Art Club/Creative & Young Astronomy Club Creative Writing Club Cooking Club Dance Society Debating Dominoes Eco Club Film Club First Aid History Society Interact International Culture Club Media Society Muslim Student Association Spirit committee Sewing Club Social Media Society Women Up World Scholars Cup / Sirius Young Men Bergvliet 16. Anything else about the Cultural involvement of your child you'd like to share with us? Please download this Specialised Art Application form to fill out and submit on the final page of the registration process. (if applicable) Download Specialised Art Application Form 17. What leadership activities is your child currently involved in? Head / Deputy Head of School Prefect / School Leader Monitor / Class Captain Not involved Other 18. Anything else about Service/Leadership involvement you would like to share with us? 19. Parent/Guardian #1: Title, First name and Surname 20. Parent/Guardian #1: Telephone (Cell) Number 21. Parent/Guardian #1: Physical Adress (including Suburb) 22. Parent/Guardian #1: Relationship to Learner Mother Father Step-mother Step-father Grandfather Grandmother Aunt Uncle Foster parent Guardian Other 23. Parent/Guardian #2: Title, First name and Surname 24. Parent/Guardian #2: Telephone (Cell number) 25. Parent/Guardian #2: Physical Address (including suburb) 26. Parent/Guardian #2: Relationship to learner 27. Applicant normally resides with: Parent/Guardian #1 Parent/Guardian #2 Both Parents/Guardians 28. Anything else about the applicant's family you would like to share with us? 29. Is learner support required? yes no 30. Learner Support Document Upload (if applicable) 31. Please upload a copy of your child's Grade 6 school report 32. Please upload the learners completed Music Application form (if applicable) 33. Please upload the learners completed Specialised Art application form (if applicable) 34. Please upload a recent photo of your child. Please add head and shoulders only. (if available) Please Note: Our 2025 Fees are R44 000 per annum, which will increase in 2026 based on budget approval via our School Governing Body and parent approval. 35. I/We acknowledge and understand that BHS is a fee-paying school, and that these school fees will be paid by: Parents /Guardians Scholarship awarded (confirmed) Scholarship application (pending) Private Sponsor Fee exemption - based on salary Prefer not to say 36. If funding will be provided through a scholarship or a private sponsor, please provide details below. Regrettably, as a public-school, Bergvliet does not offer any scholarships/bursaries. Send