Bergvliet High School’s 2017 Chess A Team played in the Interschools A League for the entire year. They competed against Herzlia A, Wynberg Boys’ A, SACS A and Bishops A.
They ended the year 2nd in the league and came 2nd in the Jamie Tindill Competition against eight other A teams.
Lonwabo Mvuvo was undefeated and Saajidah Khan represented the Province in 2017, for the second year running.
These are the reasons why the 2017 Team of the Year trophy was awarded to the Chess A Team, at our recent Prize Giving ceremony.
The team: Fayyaadh Khan (matriculated 2017); Gabriel Strauss (matriculated 2017); Lonwabo Mvuvo (matriculated 2017) and Saajidah Khan in grade 11.
Team manager Mrs Leonard.